How safe is acupuncture?
Very safe. In California, acupuncturists are required to undergo a rigorous 4 year master's program which includes about 1000 clinical hours as well as about 2000 didactic hours in eastern and western medicine. These programs include extensive courses in anatomy and physiology and students are required to complete training in Clean Needle Technique. In the state of California, students must also pass the comprehensive California Acupuncture Board examination in order to become licensed.
How long will my appointment take?
The first session will include a consultation and treatment. This initial session will usually take 60-90 minutes depending on the status of the health of the patient. Follow-up treatments for established patients typically last around 45 minutes.
Which insurances does Hannah Integrative Health take?
Dr. Milim Jeon is a in-network provider for most insurances and accepts most insurance plans including the following;
BlueCross BlueShield
Blue Shield of California
United Healthcare
Please contact the office to verify if HIH takes your insurance.
What should I wear during treatments?
Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Many of the acupuncture points utilized in treatments are located below the elbows and knees, so treatments can be given while the patient is fully clothed. In cases where other acupuncture points are used, patients may change into a gown, or lie under a sheet similar to during a massage session.
How should I prepare for my visit?
Show up ready to relax and having eaten something 2-3 hours prior to your appointment.
What should I do between treatments?
You may be prescribed herbs which you will take 2-3 times daily at a dosage most suitable for you. Diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors may be modified in conjunction to the treatments depending on your condition. Good sleep is key to the healing process and going to bed between 10:00 and 11:00 pm is highly recommended to maximize your body’s ability to heal.
How many treatments will I need?
Usually, it takes a series of treatments to resolve a condition. Every patient has a different prognosis and treatment course needed for a full recovery. This will be discussed and explained to you in the very beginning stages of your care. Conditions which are acute in nature can take anywhere from 6 - 12 treatments, while more chronic cases may take more time. Typically, patients find relief and recognize positive changes in their condition within the first few sessions.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Most patients have stated that there is little to no pain associated with acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture needles are very fine, sterile and disposable after single use. When the needles are administered, patients experience a mild, but not unpleasant needling response known as “De Qi”, which feels like a heavy ache or tingling. This sensation typically dissipates within a few moments and is believed to be of great importance to clinical efficacy in Traditional Eastern Medicine.
Do you reuse needles?
Never. Acupuncturists in California are required by law to use single-use, sterile, stainless-steel needles to ensure your complete safety. Needles are responsibly disposed of via sharps containers after their use.